What Does Your Home Mean To You?

One of the most endearing aspects of our business is learning people's stories about their homes. We not only listen to the parents of families but their children as well. We thought it would be fun to share with followers of our Facebook page the perspective of the younger ones and make it fun for them too. They'll get a Dairy Queen treat and a chance to win one of three $70 gift cards to Perfect Games for entering our contest.
Watch our Facebook page for the winning responses to our coloring contest!

How to enter our contest:

1. Print out the coloring page to color and write your answer to the question: "What does your home mean to you?"

2. Mail (with your return address) or bring in to our RE/MAX Real Estate Center office at: 1606 S. Duff Ave., Ames, between Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and receive a certificate to Dairy Queen.

3. We will choose a winner judged on the coloring and written answer. Please include your parent's email address so we can notify you if you are a winner of a prize.

4. Must be received at our office by Tuesday, September 10, 5:00 p.m. Winner will be notified by September 12.

Thank you for joining in!

Contest is open to children ages 12 and under, void where prohibited. One entry per person. Winning entry will be shared on the Jennings Real Estate Team's Facebook page. Entry in the contest constitutes permission to publish entry, first name only will be used.
